Deanna Sirlin, Color of Healing, 2023, 5:52 minutes, 16 x 41 feet
Deanna Sirlin, Color of Healing, 2023, 16 x 41 feet on the Georgia Tech Media Bridge, Atlanta, Georgia

Color of Healing
Deanna Sirlin, Color of Healing, 2023, 5:52 minutes single channel video
Color of Healing
Opal Moore
If only all the colored world would dis
appear, leave a hole polka dot canvas
world of missing tears.
But who would they be without sorrows the
errors of their ways, the arrows of their errors,
their ways their means. Their meannesses.
What they might have gleaned that time, or this.
If grief were a color we’d be one people.
People of grief. People of a color. Color the people
What is color? A music. Ambient soundscape.
Earth murmurs invisible to the ear.
What is the sound of red or blue or yellow:
Hum of a woman behind a window.
What is color? A line. Horizon red
Or twilight blue.
A line. Stop.
A law. Habit? Design?
Once upon a color. A measure of time in
apples and leaf.
Once upon a passion. A joy.
A before. Time before time.
What is color? To chameleon? To the bee?
What is light to a seed or bloom?
Signal? Sign. Summons?
What is color and light to a field wild, original—
to its scion? Taker. Master?
Is it scripture? Treatise. Proof?
What colors do not appear
on a wavelength of light?
Is pink a color?
The opposite of black
on the wheel of un-colors?
Let’s say white is a blur of colors
our eyes forge of sun,
musics of our vision’s manufacture
out of day, out of night, light from dark.
What is color? A manufacture of my eye.
A sleight of light.
Deception? Illusion. Design?
They say
if only the colored world would dis
appear into a hole of white.
Oh! But grief
would be white. Color less.
Less colored.
Let’s say white is illusion
fusion, is no albino gleaming
absence of color. Is
not a blindness.
Then choose: a color for grief,
a color of feeling.
Feel me?
Wheel of color
Spin. Do not pause
at blue, yellow, red or
green. Can you see the
ultraviolet of grieving?
Of joy? The color of healing?
Do not ask of black.
You may not posit black. Black—
it’s not in spectrum light. Does not
disaggregate. Will not particulate.
Black be
a lyric thing.
Blue and yellow, red
And green.
Black be lyric.
Yellow, red